
Build A Hand Water Pump In Pakistan $500


Build a Motor water pump $2800


Water filtration plant One time payment of $7000.00

Monthly Clean Up Of All the Filters Are $250


Give water for a month only $15

The Rewards of Giving Water in Islam

Over 700,000,000 people across the globe die due to dirty water , people dying from diarrhoea alone each year. Small children are especially water related diseases, and unsafe water compromises their immune systems as well, making it difficult for them to fight any illness.

Allah says in the Qur’an, ​

Providing Clean Water is ‘The Best Charity’

He was the most generous in giving charity. Access to safe water is a basic human right and we are working hard to ensure that greater water equality is achieved across the world.

We use water for everything, from washing dishes to cooking food to growing crops.

Communities that don’t have access to clean water face unimaginable hardships, with women and children walking for hours to collect water.

Fulfilling the basic human right of clean water is an excellent Sadaqah